Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams and Latent Content


The scariest dream I've had was about me and my friend running away from these weird made up monsters. Everything in the dream was extremely white and plain and nothing had faces, we were mostly just running up and down long white hallways. The reason it was so scary is because I dream in black and white, but in this particular dream, blood came rushing down the white hallways and it was bright red.
  • The faceless people and monsters could represent me not knowing my identity yet and still searching for it or that I am unsure of how to read people and their emotions
  • Running away from the mosters could represent my attempt to elude a certain situation and refuse to admit accountability for something I've done. Running from an attacker or any danger also implies that I am reluctant to hardships and obstacles.
  • Seeing red indicates raw power, intense passion, agression, authority and bravery. The blood is a symbol of energy, excitement and frustration.
One of my most recent dreams was about me running far away deep into the middle of the woods away from everything and everyone.
  • Running away could again mean that I am trying to elude a certain situation.
  • Dreaming of the woods indicates that I may be feeling emotionless or "dead inside."
  • My solitude in the woods could mean that I feel abandoned and that no one truly appreciates me.
Another dream I've had is about me and my friend living together alone  in the woods and going hiking and canoeing and watching movies with hot chocolate and cuddled up in warm blankets while it snows. (The dream contradicted itself because we went hiking and canoeing while it was warm, but in the same day it was snowing and cold).
  • Hiking signifies the progress I have made in my life, and the canoe is a symbol of freedom and liberty.
  • Dreaming about my friend could suggest certain parts of your character that you have set aside are now ready and willing to bring them back into your persona.
  • To dream that I am watching the snow fall symbolizes a new beginning and a change in my outlook. It means that I feel calm and serene.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Little Albert

Little Albert

Did the results of Watson and Rayner's experiment support their hypothesis?

        1. Yes because the previously neutral objects were paired with upsetting stimulus's producing a fearful response.

How did Albert's response become generalized?

        2. He was conditioned to fear a white rabbit so he also feared other furry white objects.

How were the principles of classical conditioning used to reduce Peter's fear of rabbits?

        3. To eliminate Peter's fear by pairing the feared object (rat) with pleasant things (like eating ice cream, or recieving special attention).

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bullying and Harrassment

  • Has anything we have discussed with Mr. Verboomen, Office Schuette, or seen on MTV's "Flipped" opened your eyes to bullying, harassment, or how we treat other people?
Nothing has really opened my eyes other than about how cruel and unreasonable people really are. I am anti-bullying and try and help people the best I can in most situations. Im aware of signs of bullying and how it can really affect the person being bullied.

  • Is their a line between ACCEPTABLE bullying or teasing and UNACCEPTABLE bullying? How do you know?
I think that there is a line that is crossed from teasing to bullying depending on how well you know a person and how close you are to them. Even though most teasing is still hurtful to most and still considered bullying.

  • How can you as a KHS student make KHS a better place for all who attend? Can you change any of your behaviors to make all feel more accepted? Will you stop being a bystander?
If I see bullying in the halls or anywhere in school I can go up and see what's going on and see if it needs to be stopped or if I need to report it. I am already accepting of pretty much anyone and everyone. I will stop being a bystander and help people out more.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Twilight Zone: Eye of the Beholder

  • I was confused as to why they weren't showing any one's faces. It was making me suspicious that some sort of twist was going to happen in the end. I was very surprised to see that the pig faced people were the "beautiful" ones and the attractive girl was the "ugly" one.

  • I think beauty is very opinionated and influenced by groups and society. I also think that beauty does change over time, trends change and what is considered beautiful changes with the changing times and technology.

  • I think that the beautiful "norm" in Kimberly is having a clear complexion, nice eyes (with or without makeup), thin, and dress nice and not too outrageous. I think that these are somewhat realistic but maybe not easy to achieve all of these standards at once.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Quiet Rage

Class Experiment:
Playing my part as "Disrespectful Kid" in class was interesting. I really changed to fit the role and over dramatized the disrespectful behaviors that a person might have. I actually even thought it was kind of hard to transition from playing this role in this class to my next class. It was amusing to me to play this part because I am usually never the disrespectful one. I changed into this complete monster in a teacher's nightmare once the role playing began. I compiled every bad possible behavior I could think of and was just terrible.

Life Example:
I have noticed that one of my former friends completely changed her image, personality, and hobbies to fit in with a different group of people. She's self-conscious of every single thing she does now so that people like her and don't think she's weird or different. I feel bad because there is no trace of the girl I used to know. She changed everything about herself to fit the 'role' that her new friends want her to fit.

Philip Zimbardo Quiet Rage Psych Experiment:
The role-playing behavior that surprised me the most was Prisoner 8612 because like all the rest, he started as a normal student but completely changed dramatically after an extremely short period of time. He was the leader of prison rebellion and was a respected leader to the other prisoners. After a few days he wanted to leave the experiment but the prison authorities denied his request and degraded him and called him "white boy" and pathetic. When he joined the prisoners again after his meeting with the authorities he told all the prisoners that there was no way out of the prison (even though technically the experiment said that any of them could leave at any time). He decided to pretend to be crazy so they would let him leave, but when he was telling the authorities about how he was going crazy he actually went into a fit of rage and they finally let him go. This showed how extreme this experiment really came to, and he was one of the earliest incidents to happen in the 6 day long experiment. I think that the 'idea' of the Prison experiment was good but the actual outcome of it was too extreme and went on for way too long before an intervention. All of the people involved in the experiment took everything to an extreme and too literally.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Personality Tests



Your Results
Closed-Minded Open to New Experiences
Disorganized Conscientious
Introverted Extraverted
Disagreeable Agreeable
Calm / Relaxed Nervous / High-Strung

What aspects of personality does this tell me about?
There has been much research on how people describe others, and five major dimensions of human personality have been found. They are often referred to as the OCEAN model of personality, because of the acronym from the names of the five dimensions.
Openness to Experience/Intellect
        High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.
         You are relatively open to new experiences.     (Your percentile: 70)
        High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.
         You probably have a messy desk!     (Your percentile: 17)
        High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.
         You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.     (Your percentile: 12)
        High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.
         You tend to consider the feelings of others.     (Your percentile: 69)
        High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.
         You tend to become anxious or nervous.     (Your percentile: 76)
Big Five Personality Test
Your Most Dominant Characteristic is:


Your Least Dominant Characteristic is:
